Sunday, January 26, 2020

Training in Extreme Conditions

Training in Extreme Conditions Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving ones capability, capacity, productivity and performance. (Wales) Body’s physiological response during exercise: Physiological response to exercise depends on intensity, duration and frequency of exercise and also depends on environment surroundings. During exercise requirement of oxygen and substrates in skeletal muscle are increased simultaneously leads to increase removal of metabolites and carbon dioxide. Chemical, mechanical and thermal stimuli affect alterations in metabolic, cardiovascular and ventilator function in order to meet these increased demands (Stokes). Adenosine triphosphate is a high-energy phosphate molecule that initiate muscle contraction, immediate source of energy supplies to muscle are initially provided by energy sources like ATP and Phosphocreatine before other aspects of metabolism are activated. Pulmonary ventilation increases as increase in respiratory rate to cope up increase in oxygen demand (Stokes) Some enzymes (ATPase) are able to use the energy stored between ADP and Pi bond. Water is involved is called hydrolysis. Each molecule of ATP releases 7.3 k cal.(30.7 kj) Energy can also provided by acetylate kinase reaction where ATP is produced from the conversion of two molecules of adenosine diphosphate(ADP to adenosine monophosphate(Amp) and ATP. (Stokes)Phosphocreatine stored in the muscle is a high-energy source for skeletal muscle it contributes energy in first 10 seconds of high intensity activities such as sprinting and are rapidly depleted but they provide important energy source in first few seconds of exercise before other aspects of metabolism are activated. (Stokes) resynthesis of ATP from energy-dense substrates glycolysis is a pathway by which glycogen and glucose are converted to two pyruvate molecules in the presence of oxygen, pyruvate enters the Krebs cycle via acetyl coA. Each turn of the Krebs cycle produces hydrogen carriers that enter the electron transport chain (ETC) and ultimately donate H+ to oxygen to form water, allowing ETC to proceed, however, when oxygen is not present, ETC cannot proceed which prevents flux through the Krebs cycle and result in a build up of pyruvate(Stokes. If it was allowed to continue the glycolysis may stop and no further ATP would be synthesized. Fortunately, pyruvate can accept the hydrogen carrier, forming lactic acid yields only 3 moll ATP per molecule of glycogen, but this can occur in absence of oxygen. In contrast, complete breakdown of glycogen via glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and the ETC yields 39 ATP per molecule of glycogen. (Stokes) Fatty acids are more energy dense than glycogen and there are very large stores of fat in adipose tissue, all energy stored as fat is stored as glycogen, body mass would increase by 50 Kg. Fatty acids are catabolized and enter into the Krebs cycle and ETC. A fully oxidized fat yields 129 molecules of ATP. The rate of resynthesize of fat is too slow to be of great importance during high intensity training. During exercise ventilation might increase from values around 5-6 liters min to >100 liter min. in an average young male, resting oxygen consumption is about 250 ml min and in endurance athlete during internes exercise might reach 5000 ml min (Stokes).Changes which occur in arterial pH, PO2 and PCO2 values during exercise are usually small, the increased reliance on glycolysis results in increased accumulation of lactic acid, which initially leads to an increase in PaCO2. Ventilation increases abruptly in the initial stages of exercise and is then followed by a more gradual increase. (Stokes) Oxygen requirements of working skeletal muscles ar e dramatically elevated above resting requirements. Resting blood flow to muscle is usually 2–4 ml†¢100 g muscle−1 min−1, but might increase to nearly 100 ml†¢100 g muscle−1 min−1 during maximal exercise. The circulatory changes which occur are increase blood flow to muscle leads to increase in cardiac output which leads to increase oxygen consumption. (Stokes) In the body maximum efficiency for conversion of energy nutrients into muscular work is 20-25%, the remaining is released in non-usable form of heat which raises body temperature this heat is due to increase metabolism in the body during exercise and blood supply to skin is increased which in tern stimulates sweat glands which starts sweating which causes heat loss. (Stokes) Training in Heat (Rg) This report discuss the temperatures that are considered hot, how the physiology of a human body adjusts an increase in temperature, what the stages of illness that are caused by heat, along with precautions that should be taken while exercising in heat. Generally the human body tries to maintain a certain body temperature range. This helps it function within its optimal levels. The normal human body temperature is 37 °C. Increases in body temperature of 2 °C to 3 °C generally do not result in causing ill effects. However, increases in body temperature above 40 °C to 41 °C can be associated with a variety of heat-related problems (Astrand.P, 1986). During exercise, constant heat is produced as a bi-product of metabolism and muscular contraction. This heat increases the core temperature of the body, which alarms its thermoregulatory mechanism, returning the body back to a homeostatic state. There are two important functions contributing to this mechanism are increase in blood flow to the skin, facilitating cooling and increasing sweating. This sweat helps evaporate the heat and lowers the core temperature. The result of the aforementioned mechanism leads to cardiovascular strain due to the increase in blood flow to skin, blood flowing to the muscles and the decrease of blood plasma volume, due to sweat loss. This leads to a cardiovascular drift. Cardiovascular drift is due to the competition of the blood flow toward the skin and muscles. This leads to a decrease in stroke volume, meaning in order to maintain cardiac output we would have to increase heart rate. Increasing heart rate helps provide proper blood supply to skin and working muscles. The process of the body’s core temperature increasing occurs when the blood perforates the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus then signals the rest of the body to reduce its exercise intensity (Phil wallace, 2013) . Exercising in hot climates without proper acclimatization can lead to a severe consequence called â€Å"Heat illness.† This illness is categorized into different stages based on the pathological events occurring at that time. (wordPress, 2012) Figure taken from (Ali Al-Nawaiseh, 2013) The different stages of heat illness are: Heat Cramps: It is thought to be due to the ingesting water with no salt during restitution from thermal dehydration. Clinical Feature Defined by a painful muscle cramp. Heat exhaustion: It is caused by sweat loss that results from exposure to high environmental heat or hard work. Clinical Feature Defined by clinical symptoms that involve a high body core temperature and signs of cerebral ischemia such as weakness, fatigue, discomfort, anxiety, dizziness, and headache. Heat syncope: It reflects cardiovascular failure caused by reduced venous return to the heart due to excessive seat loss. Clinical features Includes dizziness, fainting, and pale face. Heat stroke: It is the most severe heat-related disturbance and can be fatal. Clinical Feature – Core temperatures greater than 40 °C accompanied by hot and dry skin, indicative of impaired thermoregulation. It is also associated with delirium, convulsions or coma, indicating, impaired central nervous system function. Figure taken from (Yamazaki, 2012) Heat Acclimatization: Heat acclimatization is a process which body adapts to temperature change. It happens for the first 10-15 days of initial change, but major change occurs for the first 3 to 4 days. Heat acclimation improves endurance exercise performance in the heat, and thermal comfort at a given exercise rate. The primary adaptations that occur during heat acclimation are: Increased plasma volume by 10% – 12%, earlier onset of sweating, higher sweat rate, reduced salt loss in sweat, reduced blood flow to skin and increased synthesis of heat shock proteins There are many precautions that need to be taken while exercising in hot environments few of them are â€Å"obtain players or exercisers history of previous heat illnesses. Allow a period of seven to the ten days for acclimatization. Instruct players to wear appropriate clothing during the acclimatization period. Take regular measurements of the WBGT index. Encourage players to adequately replace fluids. Record body weight of players before and after, during practice and matches. Identify susceptible players. Constantly be vigilant and monitor players for signs of heat illness. Players must have unlimited access to water†. (International Hockey Federation (FIH), 2010) Training in Cold Conditions (Tyler) Exercising in cold temperatures is a complex idea. There are many factors and variables that need to be taken into account before contemplating or beginning to exercise in a cold environment or during a cold season. There are four major topics that we will be discussing: A) Metabolic changes B) Cardiovascular changes C) Thermal aspects and D) Adaptations. Choosing the correct diet for exercising in the cold can be tricky. After researching the subject there has shown to be no one significantly superior style of diet, whether it is carbohydrate, fat or protein dominant. However, one study did show that more work was achieved after a 3-day high carbohydrate diet (600g/day) as opposed to a 3-day normal diet (300g/day) [Thorp et al. 1990]. This would indicate an important relationship between exercise performance in a cold environment and carbohydrate intake. A study conducted by â€Å"Doubt and Hsieh in 1991 and Jacobs et al in 1984, 1985† shows us that venous lactate concentrations are higher with exercise in cold temperatures, which is due to the inverse relationship between muscle temperature and glycolysis. Lactate values have shown to be higher in colder temperature (-2 °C), these values also seemed to increase at a slower rate than they did at warmer temperature (+24 °C); indicating that there may be a temperature-relate d delay in lactate release. Samples were taken at the end of each incremental increase in workload throughout the study, leading to these results (Therminarias et al. 1989). Ventilation experiences an increase when the body is exposed to a colder environment. However, the differences between ventilation in a cold environment and that of warmer environment diminish as we increase our exercise workload (Therminarias et al. 1989). As we know, during respiration our lungs work to bring in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. However, if there is an increase in ventilation, this could result in the reduction of end-tidal carbon dioxide. Maintaining higher levels of CO2 within the body could eventually lead toward impaired mental function in persons working in a cold environment (Cooper et al. 1976). When we introduce our body into a cold environment, our body reacts. This is usually in the form of the cutaneous thermal receptors sending distress signals to our central nervous system via afferent signalling. The body uses two mechanisms to account for higher VO2 during exercise in a cold environment. 1) A flux in our total body heat occurs (Nadel 1984; Park et al. 1984; Rennie 1988; Sagawa et al. 1988) 2) Our net mechanical efficiency is decreased (Pendergast 1988). If a flux in total body heat occurs, the body responds via negative feedback. First the body’s thermal receptors detect an unwanted change in body temperature at the skin. These receptors send a message via afferent messaging to the central nervous system which determines the best way to return the body back to its homeostatic state. A signal then is sent from the brain, to the hypothalamus which responds by sending its own message to our muscles forcing them to repeatedly contract at an express pace, this is commonly referred to as â€Å"shivering.† The more the body shivers, the more heat that is produced which in turn raises the body’s core temperature. After a homeostatic balance is regained, we begin to stop shivering as the â€Å"heat-promoting† portion of the hypothalamus begins to shut down. When considering the efficiency of our body to perform specific actions, we need to take into account how the cold temperature will affect us. Cold muscles tend to have a reduced contractile force, regardless of whether or not the kinetic energy requirement has been altered. This means that the body may have to try and recruit additional motor units to meet the required work output (Blomstrand et al. 1986). Exposure to a cold climate causes significant peripheral vasoconstriction, resulting in elevation of blood pressure. Cold temperature has the ability to affect cardiac output through an increase in intrathoracic blood volume, which is secondary to peripheral vasoconstriction (Pendergast 1988). The increase in intrathoracic volume is indicated through larger increases in stroke volume (McArdle et al 1976) or total body insulation (Rennie 1988). Increasing the intrathoracic blood volume has shown to increase both left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic dimensions at rest and during exercise (Sheldahl et al. 1984). Exposure to cold temperatures during exercise can sometimes lead to injury, such as a non-freezing cold injury or frostbite. This can be seen early throughout the distal extremities. The distal extremities depend on blood flow to maintain a suitable local temperature because their intrinsic capacity to generate heat in limited (Doubt Francis 1989). Our peripheral systems utilize a negative feedback technique to regain a suitable local temperature by alternating vasoconstriction and vasodilation (Rusch et al. 1981). References Wales, J. (, 2013). [Web log message]. Retrieved from Stokes , K. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ali Al-Nawaiseh, M. B. (2013). 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Friday, January 17, 2020

Statement of Purpose Computer Science

Your 1st question would be why would this guy want to do MS in Computer Science? I was first introduced to Computer when my brother brought me a laptop. Like all kids, my first application was a game. My 1st question was how did this actually work? I was very fascinated by the graphics and how easily the computer understood my moves. I never knew the man sitting behind the screen is nothing but just a few lines of code. This fascination and curiosity led me to take computers throughout my career.First I learnt basics in high school then I took up 4 years undergraduate degree and now I want to pursue masters to research my childhood dream: What is actually behind the computers? I always had a liking towards mathematics be it getting 96% in 10th standard or getting A+ during 1st year of under graduation. I grew more and more fond for mathematics which in turn reflected in my analytical decisions and reasoning skills. I knew I had to choose computers for my undergraduate degree. I got i nto xyz college which is among the top ranked institutes for engineering in India.The courses helped me gain a strong background in the fundamentals of Information Science. These were aptly complemented by the laboratory courses. The challenging assignments that were a part of the laboratory courses helped me to develop the required technical and programming skills. I also started taking part in extracurricular activities and organized technical events, which have helped me develop team spirit and good leadership qualities in me. As being part of these great events, taught me to interact with people and taking decisions. As a part of my final year thesis project, in a team of 2, I built a â€Å"Wikipedia Search Engine†.We noticed this project on the abc University Computer Science website and were very intrigued by it. We decided to test our knowledge and took up this challenge. The project was aimed at building a search engine which would semantically search the Wikipedia an d display the links to the Wiki pages which are closely related to the query given by a user. The search engine would take a phrase from the user as input, go to the related specific Wikipedia page, extract all the inner links and based on the number of count of the input phrase, it would populate the search page with links in their decreasing order of their score.This project gave me profound knowledge and expertise on Java and database concepts. In the third year, I got an opportunity to build a website for Department of Environmental Science. It was a great learning experience as I got exposure to many web technology tools and gained expertize in JavaScript, . NET, CSS. Further studies were always a priority for me but it was my belief that I must gather some valuable work experience in order to gain a larger perspective of the industry. In keeping with this idea I joined Mind Tree. I got trained in .NET technology. When I started working on the project, I realized the difference between course work during 4 years of college and the hands-on knowledge and skills required to succeed in the corporate world. I worked at Mindtree for 10 months and thereafter I got an opportunity to work for McAfee, the world pioneer in network and security. My work experience turned out to be extremely enriching for me on a host of levels. The amount of thought process which goes into building a product is tremendous. Working at pqr and fgh were very different experience.Former has helped me in sharpening my research skills whereas latter has inculcated team spirit and the ability to interact and work with both colleagues and seniors in a proactive manner. It has helped me in accepting the challenges involved to expertise new domain and new technology, getting familiarized to new concepts and has developed a sense of professionalism in me. In my old company, I was a developer working on . Net technologies and database whereas in my current company I’m working as a qualit y assurance engineer.I think, after experiencing corporate world and knowing my strengths, it is the right time to continue my studies to become a pioneer in my field of interest. I strongly believe that the research oriented graduate studies would help gain in-depth knowledge in the field of computer science and thus help me scale up to new heights in my professional career. I am confident that the higher education will give me the desired push towards a career in research and an opportunity to do well in my chosen career. I found your University to be one of the best Universities to pursue research oriented graduate studies.I am eager to work under the guidance of the distinguished faculty members of the University. I found the Department of Computer Science website a very helpful source of the information. I have been able to get good idea about the courses offered at the University and I feel that these courses and research work would help me reach my goals. I am confined that I possess the requisite background and intellectual ability and a high level of personal motivation that will enable me to successfully complete the research work and courses I undertake. Statement of Purpose Computer Science Your 1st question would be why would this guy want to do MS in Computer Science? I was first introduced to Computer when my brother brought me a laptop. Like all kids, my first application was a game. My 1st question was how did this actually work? I was very fascinated by the graphics and how easily the computer understood my moves. I never knew the man sitting behind the screen is nothing but just a few lines of code. This fascination and curiosity led me to take computers throughout my career.First I learnt basics in high school then I took up 4 years undergraduate degree and now I want to pursue masters to research my childhood dream: What is actually behind the computers? I always had a liking towards mathematics be it getting 96% in 10th standard or getting A+ during 1st year of under graduation. I grew more and more fond for mathematics which in turn reflected in my analytical decisions and reasoning skills. I knew I had to choose computers for my undergraduate degree. I got i nto xyz college which is among the top ranked institutes for engineering in India.The courses helped me gain a strong background in the fundamentals of Information Science. These were aptly complemented by the laboratory courses. The challenging assignments that were a part of the laboratory courses helped me to develop the required technical and programming skills. I also started taking part in extracurricular activities and organized technical events, which have helped me develop team spirit and good leadership qualities in me. As being part of these great events, taught me to interact with people and taking decisions. As a part of my final year thesis project, in a team of 2, I built a â€Å"Wikipedia Search Engine†.We noticed this project on the abc University Computer Science website and were very intrigued by it. We decided to test our knowledge and took up this challenge. The project was aimed at building a search engine which would semantically search the Wikipedia an d display the links to the Wiki pages which are closely related to the query given by a user. The search engine would take a phrase from the user as input, go to the related specific Wikipedia page, extract all the inner links and based on the number of count of the input phrase, it would populate the search page with links in their decreasing order of their score.This project gave me profound knowledge and expertise on Java and database concepts. In the third year, I got an opportunity to build a website for Department of Environmental Science. It was a great learning experience as I got exposure to many web technology tools and gained expertize in JavaScript, . NET, CSS. Further studies were always a priority for me but it was my belief that I must gather some valuable work experience in order to gain a larger perspective of the industry. In keeping with this idea I joined Mind Tree. I got trained in .NET technology. When I started working on the project, I realized the difference between course work during 4 years of college and the hands-on knowledge and skills required to succeed in the corporate world. I worked at Mindtree for 10 months and thereafter I got an opportunity to work for McAfee, the world pioneer in network and security. My work experience turned out to be extremely enriching for me on a host of levels. The amount of thought process which goes into building a product is tremendous. Working at pqr and fgh were very different experience.Former has helped me in sharpening my research skills whereas latter has inculcated team spirit and the ability to interact and work with both colleagues and seniors in a proactive manner. It has helped me in accepting the challenges involved to expertise new domain and new technology, getting familiarized to new concepts and has developed a sense of professionalism in me. In my old company, I was a developer working on . Net technologies and database whereas in my current company I’m working as a qualit y assurance engineer.I think, after experiencing corporate world and knowing my strengths, it is the right time to continue my studies to become a pioneer in my field of interest. I strongly believe that the research oriented graduate studies would help gain in-depth knowledge in the field of computer science and thus help me scale up to new heights in my professional career. I am confident that the higher education will give me the desired push towards a career in research and an opportunity to do well in my chosen career. I found your University to be one of the best Universities to pursue research oriented graduate studies.I am eager to work under the guidance of the distinguished faculty members of the University. I found the Department of Computer Science website a very helpful source of the information. I have been able to get good idea about the courses offered at the University and I feel that these courses and research work would help me reach my goals. I am confined that I possess the requisite background and intellectual ability and a high level of personal motivation that will enable me to successfully complete the research work and courses I undertake.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Violence And Violence Among Teens - 1164 Words

Chapter five was centered around the kinds of violence and abuse. They consist of bullying, child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, hazing, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape. Abuse is physical or emotional harm to someone. The most common abuse come from people you know and trust, such as family members, friends, boyfriends, or girlfriends. Violence is any physical force that is used to harm people or damage property. We see violence on TV, in movies, in the newspaper, in video games, in our schools, and our own homes. We are surrounded by violence. Section one focused more on how to avoid dangerous situations that can lead to violence and ways to resolve a conflict without being aggressive and using violence. Section two talks about the kinds of abuse and the effects they have on a person. Section three is about the different forms that sexual abuse can present itself. There are many factors that can lead to violence among teens. The stress from feeling threatened can sometimes lead to violence. Stress can be a big factor in how you respond to situations. Being very tired or living in an overcrowded area can cause a person to be more irritable and act out with anger. With unmanaged anger comes lack of respect for others, which can lead to conflict. Having negative opinions about people because of their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or how they dress are ways of being disrespectful. This can also be known as bullying. Bullying is scaringShow MoreRelatedTeen Dating Violence951 Words   |  4 PagesTeen dating violence Teen dating violence is becoming a huge issue among schools across the nation. In fact most teens don’t even think their relationships are abusive or they know but they are too scared to do anything about it. Teen dating violence is on the rise. This violence spans across all socioeconomic levels and knows no race. Even famous people can be victims of dating violence. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Benefits of Social Networking - 564 Words

Most think social media is a bad thing; however, the facts show differently. (SV; however, SV.) Studies have shown time and time again that while it has some downfalls, it is mostly beneficial. Social networking is beneficial to teens, businesses, and colleges but in very different ways. Social networking sites spread information faster than any other source. According to ProCon, â€Å"Over 50% of people learn about breaking news on social media.† For example, â€Å"Twitter and Youtube users reported the July 20, 2012 Aurora, CO theater shooting before news crews could arrive on the scene† (ProCon). This is important because is shows how fast information on social networks can spread compared to news reports on television. Social media helps promote businesses and colleges and musicians. (4a: A and B and C.) A large majority of businesses use Facebook; it has over a billion people users; it has a free platform. (1c: SV; SV; SV.) Businesses use the ad platform to not onl y promote their merchandise but also to keep customers informed on sales. Another group that thrives using Facebook is colleges. â€Å"87% of colleges and universities use Facebook to recruit students†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (ProCon). This helps them show the benefits of choosing that particular learning center. Another site they use often is Youtube. Youtube allows them to show some of their campus activities with people from all around the world and gives them a sense of the college experience. Since Youtube is an international site, upcomingShow MoreRelatedBenefits of Social Networking636 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿Social Networking 1) Would the cost of becoming a member in one of the professional associations above provide more benefits than joining one of the free networking sites, such as LinkedIn or monster? What are those benefits? Yes, the costs of joining a professional associations networking site is worth the added cost due to several benefits. 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It requires that individual learn and participateRead MoreBenefits of Social Networking on Youth652 Words   |  3 PagesA social net working is the way that people are interested to make a social relations among people who, for example share activities and backgrounds.Social network service consists of each user often a profile, his or hair social links. Social networking allow individuals to create a public profile, to create a list of users with who they want to connect with .Most social network services are provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging.Social networkRead MoreDangers Benefits of Social Networking942 Words   |  4 PagesT he Dangers and Benefits of Social Networking The Do s and Dont s: Social Networking Dangers * Adults use the sites * Innapropriate language, nudity, alcohol use, sexually provocative images, etc. * Predators use it to gather information * No real method of age verification * Some social networking services allow people to view profiles without logging on Social Networking Do s * Set profiles to private * Read saftey tips on ALL SN websites Read MoreBenefits Of Social Networking Sites3095 Words   |  13 PagesSocial Networks have become a very popular platform for people to communicate and stay in touch with their family, friends and connect with long lost loved ones from around the world. Not just for informal communication, social networks is also used as professional networking tool for job hunting, increasing sales revenue, marketing campaigns, keeping public informed of safety, health, political campaigns and other social issues. It has become another medium for news and entertainment and definitelyRead More Benefits of Social Networking Sites Essay1226 Words   |  5 Pagesinvention of social networking tools, such as, Facebook, MySpace, AIM, Blackberry Messenger (BBM), Twitter, and Formspring, millions of people have been able to instantly notify others concerning their whereabouts, meet/make new friends, reconnect with old friends, blog, play games, and upload videos and pictures. Social networking has become a part of our daily routine and is a trend that will only continue to evolve as we grow old. Before the release of the highly popularized social networking websitesRead MoreBenefits Of Social Networking On Small Business2027 Words   |  9 Pages1.What potential benefits might social networking websites offer to small business? There are so many benefits social networking websites offer to small businesses. When an individual starts a business, the main motive for starting the business is profit and to achieve that the company must be recognized, before the internet became available small business struggled to get recognition and there no proper way to make sure that their business existed but the arrival of internet changed all this exRead MoreThe Benefits Of Nextdoor Social Networking Software2059 Words   |  9 Pages Using Technology to Increase Community Engagement: The Benefits of Nextdoor Social Networking Software â€Æ' Introduction to Community Engagement While it is difficult to define what constitutes a successful community, many of these share a variety of common characteristics. Successful communities strive to capitalize on the unique history, natural surroundings, architecture, and locally owned businesses found in their area to bring economic success to their citizens. In order to achieve thisRead MoreDo the Benefits of Social Networking Outweigh the Risks?1447 Words   |  6 Pagespeople log into social networking sites each day. While this might be just another fact to support the theory that many people are addicted to social media, one might be tempted to wonder if social media sites have any benefits. The risks and dangers commonly associated with social media certainly seem to disregard these. However, upon closer examination of social media and the possible uses of such sites, a more suitable and reasonable statement is that social media do indeed have benefits that outweighRead MoreOnline Social Networking Dangers and Benefits Essay806 Words   |  4 PagesFor years and years, the internet has been offering a very extensive variety of information, social networking sites, merchandise purchases, online banking and many other services that our grandparents and our great grandparents could only dream of. This doesn’t mean that it’s all good or useful information and sites. Neither does it mean it hasn’t had a huge impact on the way society is changing just because it is a virtual space. â€Å"The internet is home to millions of sites, representing both commerce